超多的鄉民很都說【日本丹波福豆堂】煮黑大豆(100g)無敵強的!售價隨時會調整;特價有時效性,有需要的朋友動作要快!IVAN是我的好朋友,為人正直富有愛心;IVAN只會推荐好東西!還有去各大拍賣網站RUTEN露天、YAHOO拍賣收集資料!IVAN一向是個理性的消費者,能讓他讚賞的商品不多!IVAN最近也對這個商品很趕興趣,下面就是更進一步圖片文字資訊的介紹!點擊圖片或文字可以進到詳細購物推薦網站~IVAN不吝嗇分享他的生活點點滴滴;包括網路上購買的任何東西雅虎購物、momo購物及博客來是我比較常去逛的網購平台,常常有優惠商品可撿。網路價格隨時會異動,請以原網購平台資料為準! |
日本NO.1的丹波黑豆 非基因改造黑豆選用11mm以上大黑豆已調味好,方便又好吃 |
售價:359 |
搜尋參考資料: 1. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/100_Gigabit_Ethernet 100 Gigabit Ethernet (100GbE) and 40 Gigabit Ethernet (40GbE) are groups of computer networking technologies for transmitting Ethernet frames at rates of 100 and … Here is a free chart for the calories in vegetables. This counter can be used for weight loss or weight maintenance. www.positivehealthsteps.com/calories/vegetable-calorie-chart.shtml How many calories in vegetables table. Use our calories in vegetables chart, vegetables are low in calories. Find amount of calories per serve vegetables. www.intel.com/.../us/en/documents/presentation/clr4-press-deck.pdf · Файл PDF 100G CLR4 Industry Alliance Andy Bechtolsheim, Founder, Chairman, and Chief Development Officer Arista Networks Mario Paniccia, Intel Fellow and GM Silicon … www.weightlossresources.co.uk/calories/calorie_counter/fruit.htm Calories in Fruit. Our list shows how many calories in a selection of fruit products. Apples, Eating, Average, Raw. Calories in 100g of apples 【日本丹波福豆堂】煮黑大豆(100g),各式堅果,堅果,果乾,進口零食,食品 |
商品組合:日本丹波煮黑豆 重量/容量:100g 成分:黑豆、糖、鹽 產地:日本 有效期限:6個月 適用年齡:無 食用方式:直接食用 保存方式: 常溫 |
資料來源:momo購物網 |